A film by Badra Haidra
Oumar, a nine year old boy, decides to travel through Paris to search for a clown he met in the metro.
With Quenhima Unjanqui and Fabrice Boutique
- Hey kid ! What's wrong, why are you crying?
- I lost my circus ticket."
Badra Haidra was born in Geneva and is of Swiss-Italian and Guinean origin. He graduated from the Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD) in the Film department and currently lives in Paris.
Oumar · fiction · 17' · 2012
Quenhima UnjanquiMata Gabin
Mike Nguyen
Fabrice Boutique
Screenplay and directing
Badra HaidraPhotography
Benoît Rambourg
Badra Haidra
Guillaume Foresti
Xavier Rémy
Vincent Brunier
Mathilde de RomefortBadra Haidra
Sound editing
Maxime Champesme
Sound mixing
Philippe Ciompi
Original soundtrack
Bruno Dias
Color grading
Christophe Legendre
HEAD - Haute Ecole d’art et de Design, GenèveCoproduction
Thera Production, Julien Rouyet